Town of Normal
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Monday November 4 6:30pm CST
Japanese Sister City Committee
The Bloomington-Normal Asahikawa Sister City Committee consists of 20 members, 10 approved by the mayor and council of each community. Its purpose is to further international relations and goodwill between the Bloomington-Normal community and Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan,......More
Monday November 4 6:55pm CST
Liquor Commission - November 4, 2024 - Special Meeting
NOTICE: PURSUANT TO THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT, notice is hereby given of a Special Meeting of the Normal Local Liquor Commission which will be held on Monday, November 4, 2024, at 6:55 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Fourth Floor Uptown Station, 11 Uptown Circle, N......More
Monday November 4 7:00pm CST
Town Council Meeting
The regular meetings of the Normal Town Council are held on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Regular meetings falling on a Town holiday is held at the same time and place on the next day that is not a holiday. The......More
Tuesday November 5 7:00pm CST
Russia Sister City Committee
To further mutual understanding of the culture and people of Vladimir, Russia; Canterbury, England; and Central Illinois and to assist with citizen exchanges and related activities.
Wednesday November 6 5:00pm - 6:30pm CST
Wednesday November 6 5:30pm CST
HCC Celebration of Excellence Scholarship Reception
NOTICE: PURSUANT TO THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT, notice is hereby given the Normal Town Council has been invited to several events in which a majority of the Council may be present. These events include: HCC Celebration of Excellence Scholarship Reception, Wednesday, Novembe......More
Thursday November 7 5:00pm CST
Planning Commission
To make recommendations to the Town Council concerning revisions to ordinances in regards to subdivision and zoning, in addition to revisions to the zoning map; To prepare and recommend to the Town Council a Comprehensive Plan; To review all proposed plats for new subdi......More
Monday November 11 All Day
Tuesday November 12 9:30am CST
Fire Pension Board
To review and recommend strategies for the administration of the Fire Pension Fund.
Tuesday November 12 12:30pm CST
Historic Preservation Commission
The Town of Normal Historic Preservation Commission was established in 1990 and consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor and Council.
Tuesday November 12 4:00pm CST
Uptown Design Review Commission
The Town of Normal Uptown Design Review Commission was established by the Town Council in 2002 and consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor and Council. This Commission applies design guidelines in the B-2 Central Business District (Uptown Normal) in a manner t......More